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Got Questions About Sattler College?


Got Questions About Sattler College?

Those who attended the 2018 winter open house at Sattler College came to get their questions answered. The students and staff at Sattler enjoyed the opportunity to mingle with guests from around the United States who are interested in this new Christian college. Guests enjoyed a short walking tour of historic Boston, a home-cooked meal, participation in Sattler’s tea time, and the chance to glimpse student life and the vision of Sattler College.

Those present at the open house also participated in a Q&A panel discussion, where students and faculty answered questions such as:

  • What does a typical weekday at Sattler College look like?
  • Why did current students choose a brand new college?
  • What are the pros and cons of going to a local college vs moving to Boston for college?
  • What does the Sattler College discipleship program look like?
  • Is Sattler College going to be accredited?
  • What advice would you give to a student that is trying to accelerate their time in highschool to get into college faster?
  • Do you accept homeschool education?
  • Where do married students live?
  • How challenging are the academics at Sattler College and how do they compare to other colleges?
  • What is it like to interact with college faculty and staff?
  • Why does Sattler use the cohort admissions model?

If these questions mirror yours, fill out the form to get access to the Q&A panel discussion video.

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