Sattler College | Equipping Jesus’ Peaceful Revolution

Equipping Jesus' Peaceful Revolution

Light the world through relational discipleship and academic excellence
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Welcome to Sattler college

Where Christian College education instructs the mind, discipleship shapes the soul, and inspiration inflames the heart

Sattler College is a Christian College with a vision to train graduates to be a city on a hill: a shining light in greater Boston and the nations. Because the city of Boston is one of the most important global cities for world-changing movements and institutions, pursuing higher education in Boston provides students with the opportunity to train for a lifetime of impact for Jesus and His church.

We offer bachelor's degrees in biblical & religious studies, business, computer science, history, and human biology along with a 1-year certificate in biblical and religious studies.

Dedication, Not Debt

Student debt is an ever growing burden on those seeking higher education. Since its inception, Sattler College has been committed to providing a revolutionary Christian education that is rigorous, transformative, and affordable for all students. These are encapsulated in our Three C’s:

The best way to meet the needs of our time and fully realize our three distinctives is to replace traditional college tuition with Entrustment Tuition which awards all accepted students fully funded tuition in exchange for a student’s dedication to kingdom service and financial gratitude.

Sattler College is using Gospel concepts of generosity and service to solve the problem of student debt before it even begins.

A Revolution in Higher Education

The modern higher education system rarely tends to the yearnings of the soul, nor inspires the passions of the heart. It fails to educate young people holistically for a life well lived. It is often hostile to faith, too expensive and academically weak. We need a revolution in Christian College education!

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