12 Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a Big Decision
June 19, 2018 2023-05-01 18:2012 Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a Big Decision
I was having a typical afternoon finishing the day at the office when an email arrived from an acquaintance in Boston. Receiving an email from him wasn’t odd as we had been messaging back and forth about various issues of life. This email was different. My thoughts immediately began racing as I read his short and to the point message.
“I was just referred to you from (a mutual friend). We are looking for an IT manager for Sattler College… would you be interested in the position if qualified?”
Move my family across the country from Modesto, CA to Boston, MA? To a big city? To all new people?…
Now, this wasn’t the first time that I had thought of coming to Boston. There were people here that we appreciated and would have liked to visit. I just didn’t expect it. I also didn’t know if it was right. We would have to leave family and friends that we cared for and loved. I had professional responsibilities at work and in the community. Despite these challenges, the calling was strong. So I began to wonder, what is the ‘right’ way to make life changing decisions?
I remembered a teaching from a few years ago on ‘how to make BIG decisions’ from which I had a few notes. These were very helpful in our decision-making process, and they may help you too. Our issue was different than choosing a College to attend, but these can help with any big decision.
When you are looking into higher education options, you can ask these questions to yourself and discuss them with a trusted adviser.
- Have I made my request known to God and have I covered it in prayer?
- Does it regard the Word of God? Is it morally upright?
- In this decision do I retain or build a Christ-like witness?
- Will this honor God and bring glory to him?
- Am I being responsible with my spiritual condition? What kind of company will I be keeping?
- How will it affect those in my sphere of influence?
- Is it realistic or rational? Am I plumb off the wall?
- Does it have the respect of unbiased spiritual associates?
- Am I resigned to go the distance even if it means hardship? Can I stick with it?
- Can I relinquish my will? Am I surrendered to the cause?
- Does it renew my strength and inspire me?
- Does it inspire others and will they draw closer to God as a result of it?
These are not intended to be black and white questions. They are meant to challenge us to intentionally think about what is essential. How we get somewhere matters as much as the destination. Yes or no can be valid outcomes to any given situation so long as that decision uses the abilities that God gave to us.
Thoughtfully examining ourselves with the help of others challenged our ideals and reminded us of our mission. So here we are in Boston settling into renewed life and purpose that we were called.
“Therefore be very careful how you live – not as unwise but as wise, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil. For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.
(Ephesians 5:15-17)”
If your BIG decision involves choosing a Christian college or a Secular college click here to read ‘Christian college or secular college?’