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Till We All Come to the Unity of the Faith

Christian Discipleship

Till We All Come to the Unity of the Faith

Although the majority of Sattler College students have learned to know God through the Anabaptist tradition, the college is home to students from a variety of Christian backgrounds. These students include Kate Basore, Seth Howell, Maykel Saad, and David Dodson. These individuals have shared their faith journeys, hoping to encourage Christians of diverse backgrounds to feel welcomed at Sattler.


I come from the humble and quiet town of Burdick, Kansas and am among the few of the Sattler family that have attended a public high school. I loved my public school and was deeply involved in almost every aspect of it, whether that was athletics, student government, or the social scene. Because I was highly involved in so many things, other aspects of my life were constantly suffering. 

P1034387 My relationship with Christ was one of these aspects. In my faith, I did the bare minimum; I would attend my local Methodist church every Sunday, go to youth group meetings whenever my friends wanted to, and occasionally pray with my team before basketball games. In my community, this was enough to be labeled as a devoted Christian. I had no deep understanding of the Bible or even what my faith was about. Sattler has changed this for me. Even though I am not learning about my personal denomination here, I am learning so much about the Bible and its meaning. Having more knowledge about God’s word has allowed me to dig deeper into my personal relationship with Christ.



Picture a roller coaster—it turns, loops around, rushes backwards, and finally arrives back at the starting point—the passengers dismounting with new perspectives. This is analogous to my faith journey. I was born the youngest of 10 children to parents who live surrendered lives for Christ. 


Not only was I taught the scripture, but I saw it play out before my eyes. Invested in prison outreach, my father was always bringing folks home to stay with us and was persistent in discipling them. I didn’t seek out that kind of lifestyle until high school, when I repented from my rebellious behavior and dad baptized me in a local creek. Having grown up attending a non-denominational church and Church of Christ camps, I sought a more tangible faith. By 11th grade, I had become highly involved with charismatic and pentecostal churches until doubts crept in that left me backslidden the latter half of the year. After returning to Jesus, I became passionate about the dynamic community found in home gatherings. Breaking bread with diverse, yet like-minded believers during senior year laid a foundation for my faith walk at Sattler College—a body of unique students and faculty that finds unity under King Jesus.



I was born and raised in a Coptic Orthodox church,  a relatively ancient denomination. I lived in Virginia where I was a part of a larger church body of almost 2000 persons. Although the church was very big, I only developed a few friendships that were truly meaningful and edifying. Coming to Sattler seemed like an odd switch with only twenty-two students, and I was


concerned about what my relationships would look like within a small body of students who would probably not be familiar with my background. Upon arriving at Sattler and interacting with the students and staff, I realized that to be part of the community here at Sattler is best described not as being part of a “student body.” Rather, it is being part of the “body of Christ.” I would boldly say that the environment here at Sattler follows the direction of what Paul said to the Ephesians, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Seeking after God, diligence in our studies, and a joyous and light-hearted attitude unite all the students here at Sattler.


I was born and raised in Texas. However, my family and I lived in Bolivia for a month because my parents were serving as missionaries. As I was growing up, my family moved around a variety of evangelical and non-denominational churches. Later, during my teenage years, I became very focused on


education, and consequently isolated from Christian peers. This had a harmful effect on my walk with the Lord, as I was constantly influenced by today’s skeptical culture. However, at a small church in New Hampshire, I found not only intellectual answers, but desperately needed fellowship. It was from this church that I learned about Sattler. Similarly, now that I am at Sattler, I have formed deep bonds with many of the students as we strive to serve God together. Even though there are slight differences in the way my brothers here serve God, we all rally around the same calling: to love and obey Christ by following his teachings, to grow ever deeper in relationship with Him, and to walk faithfully with our Lord for the rest of our days. I would encourage all believers, from different backgrounds interested in Sattler to attend—not only to learn from the faculty, but also to learn from differing perspectives among the students and to benefit from the encouragement of a Christ-centered student body.


Each of these students brings a unique perspective and personality to Sattler. The diverse backgrounds here at Sattler may be small, but we are hoping  it will continue to grow. Sattler College is devoted to improving devotion to Christ through relational discipleship and academic excellence. No matter your background, connect with us or apply now to start your college journey.

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