Sattler College Announces Class of 2024
August 31, 2020 2023-01-10 20:40Sattler College Announces Class of 2024
Sattler College is delighted to welcome the incoming freshman class of 2024, consisting of 40 students.
The average age of the incoming class is 20½, with students ranging from 17 to 29 years of age. With approximately a 50/50 split between male and female students, we believe that the broad age range and gender diversity will contribute to the richness of the class experience. “Every one of our students was carefully and personally selected after a thorough admissions process, and we are excited for the unique background and personality that each will have to offer the Sattler Community. This class is special because students adapted very quickly and gracefully to changes throughout admissions process that were brought about due to COVID-19. It’s truly a testament to their resilience. I am confident they will do very well during their time at Sattler,” said Lesley Britton, Director of Admissions.
The class of 2024 is again academically among the top incoming classes of Christian colleges in the nation, with the average student’s ACT or SAT score falling in the 88th percentile. Students are joining us in Boston from 12 different states spread across the nation, with more than 50% coming from a homeschool background.
Sattler also welcomes back the sophomore and junior classes for a total of 75 students on campus this fall. Classes begin this week at our downtown Boston Campus.