Presidential Newsletter #9
February 5, 2025 2025-02-05 17:23Presidential Newsletter #9
Dearest Sattler Stakeholders,
I am thrilled to share Presidential Newsletter #9. Onward to power, love, and sound minds/discipline (2 Tim 1:7).
Launching Our 14th Semester
- On January 21st, we welcomed our students back for Sattler’s 14th semester. This date serendipitously fell exactly 500 years after George Blaurock’s request for baptism in 1525—read more at Sattler’s blog tracking the Radical Reformation at 500 (“Prayer Service Revives Believers’ Baptism”).
- Across our five majors and core curriculum, our students are engaging in a plethora of classes. Here is a link to our Spring 2025 Course Schedule.
Refer a Student — Earn a Sattler Pennant
- As always, if you know of anyone who would be a good fit at Sattler, please consider making a referral (or by benevolently forcing the person you have in mind to start an application). Your recommendations are truly invaluable—most of our students first heard about Sattler through a personal referral. Refer a Student.
- If you complete a referral on our referral page, we will mail you an exclusive Sattler College pennant flag (within the US). Simply complete the referral page and our team will reach out to you for your mailing information. A small way to celebrate our fanatical institutional pride!
Radical Reformation at 500
- As shared in our latest “5-Pearl Friday” email, below are some recordings of the commemoration event held at the beginning of the semester:
- “Commemorating January 21, 1525” – Dr. Hans Leaman introduced the 500th-anniversary event by highlighting the significance of the Zurich baptisms and their connection to the founding of Sattler College, particularly in the legacy of Michael and Margaretha Sattler. He emphasized the Anabaptists’ commitment to repentance, biblical faithfulness, and the joy of rediscovering God’s Word, encouraging the audience to approach this commemoration with humility and a renewed dedication to Christ.
- “Sacred Things” – Mrs. Lucinda Kinsinger (alumni guest speaker) shared a reading from her book Anything but Simple, reflecting on her personal experiences with baptism, communion, and foot washing in her conservative Mennonite church. She described how these sacred rituals shaped her faith, emphasizing the deep sense of belonging, reverence, and commitment that came with each practice.
- “Alien and Created for Another Kingdom” – Mr. Daryl Driver (keynote speaker) emphasized the call to live as spiritual “aliens,” drawing from Abraham’s example in Hebrews 11 and the early Anabaptists who left behind earthly security for radical discipleship. He encouraged faithfulness in both evangelism and discipleship, stressing that God’s work often unfolds in mundane, everyday obedience rather than grand exploits.
Student Life & Discipleship
- Sattler students (minus the seniors) participated in a winter discipleship workshop before the start of the spring semester. Sophomores and Juniors held Iron Councils (a new addition) centered on giving and receiving exhortation to the people in their Journey Groups. Freshmen wrote their life stories and then shared them with their Journey Groups, upperclassmen, and some staff facilitators. While both workshops were demanding, students left feeling encouraged, known, and more aware of God’s work in their lives.
- In January, the class of 2025 travelled to Puerto Rico to launch their studies in their final core class: “Global Poverty and World Change.” In addition to coursework, the students solidified class cohesion and made unforgettable memories. Full disclosure: I personally led the retreat and coursework and crafted this bullet—ask the seniors how it went if you want unbiased feedback.
Hopeful Story Stoking the Flames of Evangelism
- Abdu Murray visited the evangelism class at Sattler and shared at Tea Time. His story is worth your time, especially if you have an interest in ostensibly miraculous conversions. God is indeed great.
Solidarity & Mourning
- Karyn Becker recently visited campus and shared about her work in the Boston area with Dovely to address two problems:
- “Refugee families qualify for daycare vouchers, but can’t find a daycare willing to accept them over a private payer.”
- “Refugees struggle to find stable, growth potential jobs with understanding employers.”
Save the Date and Register for Therefore Go on Friday, March 28
- We are hosting our annual Therefore Go event titled “Ambassadors for Christ – Living Out the Message.” The event will begin at 10:00 am on Sattler’s campus and conclude at 9:00pm at Tremont Temple. While the event is designed for our Boston Sattler Community, visitors are welcome and can expect a series of speakers and workshops concluding with a sermon and worship in Converse Hall. Register Here.
Quote Bank Challenge
- Did you know one of our alumni created a Sattler Quote Bank? It’s filled with memorable moments from our staff, faculty, and students. Each month, we’ll award Sattler merchandise to the first three people who correctly guess the origin of a featured quote!
This Month’s Quote:
"I am, therefore, I think. Therefore, I put Descartes before the horse."
- Send an email with your answer to for a chance to win.
New Podcast
- Daniel Willis visited Sattler recently and we chatted about balancing faith, media, and missions. Listen here.
Upcoming Events
Our admissions team is on the road, visiting high schools and other venues to share about Sattler. So far, we have confirmed events in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Ontario. If you would like to invite our admissions team to speak in your community, please reach out here.
- Our Spring Open House will be the morning of Friday, March 28, followed by Therefore Go. There will be an iconic Boston History tour on Saturday, March 29 as well. Register here.
Support Sattler
This January marked the one-year anniversary of launching Entrustment. In parallel, we’re excited to welcome John Feeley as our new Executive Director of Alumni and Donor Development. With over 25 years of experience in alumni relations and fundraising, John will spearhead our outreach efforts, deepen engagement within the Sattler community, and establish new local and regional partnerships.
Our first formal year-end fundraising appeal saw remarkable growth. The number of donors making a year-end gift increased by 667% compared to last December, growing from just 3 donors in 2023 to 23 donors in 2024. This surge underscores the growing commitment of our community and the momentum behind our mission.
Beyond just donor numbers, the total amount given in December 2024 was more than 20 times what we received in December 2023. This represents a significant step forward as we establish a strong, consistent foundation for year-end giving.
Thank You! Your generosity and support fuel the mission of Sattler and directly impact our students and their families. Now is always the best time to give, and I hope you’ll consider joining us in this important work.
Entrustment Tuition represents the investment of time, effort, and financial resources into the student with the expectation that they will serve God joyfully and vigorously for the rest of their lives. Give Now.
Come see the Sattler community in action during our upcoming events. Visit us!
Your feedback is welcome and valued! Feel free to reach out to me by responding to this email with any thoughts on making these newsletters more meaningful and engaging.
Yours for Christ,

Zack Johnson
Zack Johnson
Bonus Cultural Moment
- Below is a snippet of the winter talent show–‘Twas the Night Before Finals by David Eicher. Disclaimer: While the College values community and creativity, it acknowledges the fine line between fun and silliness. We trust you will take this in the right spirit.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
‘Twas the night before finals,
And all through the school,
A number of students were losing their cool.
Some were sitting and reading,
And wished for their beds,
While unfinished papers hung over their heads.
While others, work finished, retired to their room,
Not feeling the slightest sensation of doom,
Their goals were accomplished,
And now they could choose
To wrap up in a blanket and enjoy a snooze.
When all of a sudden, the ceiling was shaking,
And it sounded for certain like something was breaking.
The whole place was filled with the sound of gyrations,
And the thumping and bumping seemed to fill all creation.
In 219 Beacon, the doors all flew open,
Some folks were annoyed, but some others were hopin’
For a bit of diversion from their studious chores,
So they stood with their heads hanging out of their doors.
But there wasn’t a party, and no one was dancing,
No music was playing, so the students kept glancing,
Down the stairs, down the hall, to figure out why
The whole place was hopping, like the Fourth of July.
Then the lights all went out,
Simply vanished that quick,
And they heard Hannah Watson shout,
“Call David Glick!”
And they peered in the darkness, to see what she feared,
Then the lights came back on, and what did appear?
But a strange, stately figure getting off a Blue Bike,
And the students were shocked when they saw it was MIKE!
“Michael Sattler, that is,” he said with a smile,
“I’ve decided it’s time to come visit awhile.
Yes, I’ve shortened my name to keep up with the times,
And I have to admit, it makes easier rhymes.
Five centuries ago, when I passed through the flame,
I had no idea they’d remember my name.
That a school in the New World would carry my fame?
I’m not sure what to do with my newfound acclaim.
I’ve been watching a while,
And I like what I see,
And I’m humbled you’ve chosen to be named after me.
And I’m here to inform you how my spirit has soared
At the way you’ve endeavored to follow the Lord.”
He paused for a moment, and his grey eyes grew misty,
He continued, “I’m so proud of David and Kristi!”
Of the lives that they live and the love that they show
To you students. You guys are their family, you know!
And that is not all, there’s your President Zack,
That fellow would give you the shirt off his back.
And taking humanities must be a pleasure,
Dr. Leaman, you know, is a national treasure!
Have your sophomores noticed your Hebrew skills bloomin’?
You should take a few moments to thank Dr. Scheumann.
And Professor Diaz has you talking Koine,
Though I’m more used to speaking the Erasmian way.
Then there’s Benjamin Harris, the professor of business,
You couldn’t find better if you looked till next Christmas.
Statistics make sense when he’s teaching the class!
And you don’t have to wonder if you’re going to pass.
And some of you people have Beth Bennett to thank
For a lot of the cash that you have in the bank.
As you know, internships do not grow on the vine.
But with her on your team, they’re more easy to find.
And for those in CS, your outlook is great,
You have a great man in your chair, Dr. Tate.
If you’ll pay close attention in his classes you’ll see
He knows more ‘bout computers than ChatGPT!
There’s one guy who works here,
A jovial bloke,
He does transcripts and stuff,
But he mostly makes jokes.
And it’s not just the staff, you are certainly blessed.
For your whole student body is run by the best.
For my life, I can’t think of one better to choose
Than Student Council President Conrad Stoltzfus.
You all make me proud! I’m so glad that you’re here.
This project is worth all the sweat and the tears.
Right here, my ideals have come to fruition.
I’m especially delighted with Entrustment Tuition.”
He stood silent awhile, and he wiped both his eyes.
“Keep the faith,” he said softly, “and I’ll be satisfied.
My time here is through, but I’ve certainly tried
To stoke your fanatical institutional pride.”
“It’s time to return through the gates that are Pearly,
I’d stop and see Finny, but he went to bed early.”
He sprang to the door, and before all their eyes,
He looked toward the heavens, and started to rise.
But they heard him call back, as he shrank to a speck:
“Kindly gather your items, they’re at the front desk.”
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