Finny Kuruvilla, MD, PhD

Board of Trustees, Adjunct Professor in Biology and BRS

Boston, MA

Dr. Kuruvilla holds an MD from Harvard Medical School, a PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from Harvard University, a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and a bachelor’s degree from Caltech in Chemistry. He is a co-founder and the lead portfolio manager for Eventide Funds, a socially-responsible and values-based investing firm. From 2008-2016, he was a Principal at Clarus Ventures, a leading healthcare and life sciences venture capital firm. From 2005-2008, Dr. Kuruvilla was a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard and MIT (Broad Institute) in medical genetics. Prior to this research, Dr. Kuruvilla was a resident physician and clinical fellow at two Boston area hospitals (Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital Boston) where he cared for both adult and pediatric patients.

Dr. Kuruvilla has been a practicing Christian for many years. He has a keen interest in biblical interpretation and church history, for the purpose of fostering a strong and vibrant church today. His interests include ante-Nicene Christianity, Reformation and Anabaptist history, and the Great Awakenings of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. He is the author of King Jesus Claims His Church.