Certificate Program

Certificate In

Biblical and Religious Studies

The one-year (28 credit hour) Certificate in Biblical Studies is designed for Christians who seek a knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments to be equipped for kingdom work in their local churches and beyond. Students study the Bible, learn about the basic themes, issues, and schools-of-thought in Christian theology, study New Testament Greek, and develop the tools to integrate biblical knowledge with contemporary world issues and events. Course content has practical application in work, church, and personal settings. In addition to course content, students will participate in Sattler’s small group discipleship program, known as Journey Groups.

BRS Logo

Nine months of relational discipleship and academic excellence that will deepen your understanding of God’s word and its application in your life, the church, and the world.

View the Course Catalog

The Course Curriculum documents both core curriculum and elective courses, including course numbers, course names, credit hours, course descriptions, and prerequisites.

The student will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of biblical content
  2. Explain key doctrines of the Bible in basic terms
  3. Properly interpret and apply the Bible
  4. Evidence foundational knowledge of New Testament Greek
  5. Grow in Christian discipleship and practice
  6. Learn evangelism in a diverse, multicultural society
  7. Communicate effectively both in writing and orally
Fall Semester:
  • Fundamental Texts of Christianity
  • Academic Writing
  • Oral Communication
  • Historical Theology I
  • Elementary Biblical Greek I
Spring Semester:
  • Christian Doctrines
  • Apologetics
  • Evangelism
  • Historical Theology II
  • Elementary Biblical Greek II

Other Opportunities

  • Participate in relational discipleship through Journey Groups
  • Share the same housing accommodations as the undergraduate program
  • Join campus activities and student clubs

Please see the current Catalog for full details on course offerings and program requirements.

Students who successfully complete the one-year Certificate in Biblical and Religious Studies at Sattler may elect to transfer into the BA in Biblical and Religious Studies and complete their degree in three years.

Application requirements for the certificate program are the same as the 4-year bachelor’s degree.


Cover for the 2024-25 Course Catalog.